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An Expert’s Tips For Coping With Mother’s Day After Losing Your Mom | The Optimist Daily




For individuals who have experienced the loss of a mother, Mother’s Day can be a trying time. Many people take this day to honor their mothers and let them know how much they care about and respect them. Mother’s Day is a wonderful celebration of moms everywhere, but for those who have lost their own, it may be an especially painful reminder of their absence, evoking feelings of regret, sadness, and longing. Some people may feel regret or anger on this day because they didn’t spend enough time with their mothers or didn’t do enough to honor them while they were alive. Constant reminders of the holiday from friends and family on social media might amplify the stress of the season.

Acacia Parks, Ph.D., is the chief scientist at Happify, a digital startup that makes games and other tools to enhance happiness and well-being, and she also carries out groundbreaking research into the profound effects that little, positive shifts in behavior can have on people’s lives. She devised a number of helpful strategies to help people who have lost their mothers cope with Mother’s Day.

Remember something positive

Our relationships with our parents can be complicated and difficult at times, but it is critical to focus on the positive elements. Consider the pleasant memories, the occasions when your mother was there for you when you needed it the most, and the essential lessons she taught you. By focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship with your mother, you might rediscover and appreciate the ways in which she influenced your life. Remember that no relationship is flawless, but you may create a deeper sense of gratitude and connection by honoring the love and support that existed between you two.

Talk with other people who knew your mother

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about your mother, someone else may give you a completely fresh tale that will help you foster the sensation of growing closer to her even in her absence.

If the loss is still actively hurting, take a few minutes to do some expressive writing

Think back to a time when she did something for you that held a lot of significance for you, and write about it. Make an effort to describe the occurrence in as much detail as you possibly can. Try shutting your eyes and visualizing it as though it were happening in the present moment. Note that this will be uncomfortable, even painful, but that the intense reliving of the memories in this way is beneficial to the process of healing.

If the loss is recent and you are looking to reconnect with her memory, think about something you can do to honor her

Start a collection for the charitable organization that was dear to her heart. Create a photo collage of her and distribute it to the people who were close to her. There is no wrong answer, just do what feels right!

The post An expert’s tips for coping with Mother’s Day after losing your mom first appeared on The Optimist Daily: Making Solutions the News.


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Discover The Refreshing Benefits Of Mint Water, Your Summer Hydration Solution | The Optimist Daily





Nothing beats a cool drink on a hot summer day. While sugary drinks may tempt you, there is a healthier option that promises to quench your thirst while also improving your health: mint water. Let’s explore the myriad reasons why you should make mint water a staple in your summer hydration routine.

Mint water: a summer essential

Mint water is a simple but refreshing mixture of water mixed with fresh mint leaves. Mint, which belongs to the Mentha plant family, has long been revered for its therapeutic benefits. Whether spearmint or peppermint, this aromatic plant offers a blast of flavor to your hydration routine, keeping you cool and energized all day.

The health benefits of mint water
Improves digestion

Mint water improves digestion by relaxing the digestive tract and relieving symptoms such as gas and bloating. According to research published in the journal Biology, peppermint has digestive advantages because it relaxes stomach muscles, encouraging better digestion.

Smooths out hormonal imbalances

Mint water may help control hormone levels, especially in cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). According to a study published in Biomolecular Concepts, spearmint has hormone-balancing qualities, which can help with hormonal abnormalities.

Keeps you hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for healthy physical processes, and mint water is a tasty alternative to ordinary water. By infusing water with mint, you improve its appeal while also guaranteeing appropriate hydration to promote general health.

Reduces stress

Mint’s relaxing characteristics make it a natural stress reliever. Incorporating mint water into your daily routine will help you relax and fight stress efficiently, enhancing mental health.

Helps you lose weight

Mint water is a delicious, low-calorie, sugar-free beverage that aids in weight loss. According to research published in the International Journal of Obesity, replacing sugary drinks with water can help people lose weight.

Boosts immunity 

Mint water is high in vitamins and antioxidants, which help to improve the immune system and defend against infections and illnesses. These nutrients support cellular defense processes, which protect your health.

Improves skin health

Mint’s salicylic acid and vitamin A concentration promote clear and bright skin. Mint water’s antimicrobial properties also aid with inflammation and acne, supporting skin health from the inside.

How to make mint water at home

Making mint water at home is an easy process. Simply follow these steps.

– Rinse fresh mint leaves thoroughly.

– Place the leaves into a pitcher or container.

– Fill the container with water and allow it to soak for several hours or overnight.

– Chill the mint-infused water for a cool, pleasant beverage.

Potential side effects and precautions

While mint water has various health benefits, it is important to exercise caution, particularly if you have certain medical issues. Mint water may aggravate symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in some people. Consult your doctor before adding mint water to your diet, especially if you have severe digestive or kidney problems.

This summer, embrace the stimulating deliciousness of mint water and up your hydration game with a delightful combination of taste and well-being!


The post Discover the refreshing benefits of mint water, your summer hydration solution first appeared on The Optimist Daily: Making Solutions the News.

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